exponential equation
- 指数方程(式)

The results show that the COD at the inflow and outflow follows the rule of exponential equation .
The decay process of insect virus in the field as the increase of time is the continuous decline type , and can be described with the exponential equation .
Filtration Coefficient of Gas Production Exponential Equation in Square Resistance Region
The Comparison between Unbiased GM ( 1,1 ) Model and Exponential Equation Model
Besides , exponential equation was get by piecewise fitting .
According to viscoelasticity theory , a exponential equation was built , which match the dynamic curves well .
J Sets of the Newton Transform for Solving Some Complex Exponential Equation and the Generalized M-J Sets
The exponential equation is used in master getting system in order to develop hero growth curve individually with a slowing down growth rate .
The results showed that the degradation rate of straw biomass was fast and then slow over time , which fit the single phase exponential equation .
The experiments show that the ASP emulsion is non-Newton fluid , the rheology relation can be expressed by exponential equation .
When the pesticides were applied with rice-hull carrier the dynamics of residual degradation exprespse as two exponential equation reaction .
The relation expression between dimensionless production and dimensionless time of gas well in the productive condition at constant pressure is derived out according to exponential equation and material balance equation .
Through mathematic analysis , the author of this paper comes to a conclusion that negative exponential equation can not be used to elucidate the regularity of the settling of suspended matter .
In case of flexible impacting with rubber cushion , the buffering effect varies only with the thickness of rubber cushion , which can be expressed as exponential equation .
Losses in copper and sulfur in residue resulting from mechanical entrainment are calculated using Nagamori ′ s physical suspension exponential equation , and the mechanical loss form of copper is analysed .
Assuming a two-dimensional ideal potential flow , comprehensive study is pursued for the values of A and B of the exponential equation , for usual downstream crest curve shapes by the use of a mathematical model .
Conclusion : Vertical profiles of All free amino acids and 6 hydrolyzable neutral amino acids can be described satisfactorily by exponential equation and significant correlation existed between concentrations of hydrolyzable and free neutral amino acids .
The relationships between soil respiration and soil temperature at 10 cm depth could be described by an exponential equation , with R2 values ranging between 0.18 to 0.85 , and the Q10 values between 1.22 and 4.28 .
The paper makes some analysis and discussion for establishing stage-discharge relation model , selecting 3 mathematic models : power exponential equation , logarithmic function equation and floating polynomial equation , in allusion to the problems of decided line and calculated discharge by handwork .
The amount of similarity theorems is expanded from 3 to 11 , and the concepts of similarity criterion numbers , similarity exponential equation , fundamental physical quantities , and functional physical quantities are advanced , so that the system of similarity theory is strengthened .
With the increase of length-to-diameter ratio , the failure strain energy of specimens will decrease in accordance with an exponential equation and converge to a constant after the length-to-diameter ratio increases to 2.The failure energy variation is not monotonic as the length-to-diameter ratis increases .
The transport distance of ( wetting ) front with time follows the exponential function equation .
Exponential sine equation for predicting cucumber growth process in greenhouses
An Exponential Diophantine equation concerning ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic fields
An exponential decay equation can be used to simulate the dynamic drying process of the high moisture MSW .
The surface subsidence prediction is made in methods of probability integral method and negative exponential distribution equation method according to rock movement parameter .
A Note on the Trinomial Pure Exponential Diophantine Equation
On The Exponential Diophantine Equation
The correlation of the transpiration intensity and environmental factors simulated by second or third multinomial regression equations was perfect than by one variable linear regression equation and exponential regression equation .
In this paper , the exponential regression equation of the information trace amount ( ITA ) in brain was made . The memory attenuating curve after studying or recalling more times was measured , and the memory maths model was built .